2023: Year in Review (Gratitude)

iyosayi14 Year in Review, Year in Review 1 Comment

For someone who has never fully trusted happiness, always weary that soon enough something will go wrong, it’s amazing just how I freely gave into joy for most parts of 2023. Tagging 2023 my happiest year yet won’t be farfetched. I’ve had good years in the past, but 2023 stands out not because everything worked out (I still haven’t passed my …

2021: Year in review

iyosayi14 Year in Review, Year in Review 1 Comment

2021 was nothing short of suffocating. I’m used to having one or two challenging months during a year, but the past year felt like a constant turmoil month on month. Starting from the accident I had in January which resulted in PTSD, to when things legit started falling apart ending May and from then on, almost everything practically kept going …

2020 (Year in review)

iyosayi14 Year in Review, Year in Review

I think we can all agree 2020 has been a weird year. I bet everyone’s year-end review will make reference to the covid-19 pandemic and how it shaped their year. 2020 has been a year of canceled plans and having to make peace with the new normal. A year of chaos, anxiety, calm and surrender. The year facemasks and face …


iyosayi14 Year in Review, Year in Review 5 Comments

What’s the point of living if all you feel is an unending cycle of despair, struggling to keep your head above water and few flashes of happiness that don’t seem to last? I had written an entirely different end of year post in my head before today. It was going to be a post filled with retrospect of 2019. A …


iyosayi14 Year in Review, Year in Review 7 Comments

PS – this is a long post. I began 2018 saying I wasn’t ready to be 30 years old. As the year progressed, I forgot about that ‘cus I had to step up to the challenges life kept throwing my way. If asked to describe 2018 in one word, it would be ‘Growth’. 2018 had me fighting for survival; it …


iyosayi14 Year in Review, Year in Review Leave a Comment

2016 has indeed been a year of learning for me. This post is about the top 10 things I’m taking away from the year. Some of them I have always known but this year I think they really stuck.                                    1.         LET GO, YOU’LL FEEL BETTER There’s this popular saying – choose your battles wisely. There are struggles we …

REFLECTIONS ON 2015…DECISIONS FOR 2016 and other random stuff…

iyosayi14 Year in Review, Year in Review 1 Comment

I recently received a text message from a colleague I once thought we’d be very good friends. We all have flaws and friendship is all about accepting each other’s flaws but then, don’t mistake people’s shitty ways they are obviously making no effort in changing for flaws. Old annoying shit just kept repeating itself. After his last episode in December, …