Fourteen years after my first degree I have bagged my second, and the timing feels just right. I wasn’t concerned about pursuing another degree for the first ten years, even though one of my bosses encouraged me to. My banking career was thriving, promotions came without needing further qualifications, and I wasn’t ready to explore other career paths. In 2020, …
Another December 14 has come and gone again. Birthdays have never been my favourite. There’s something about the attention – (numerous phone calls and messages) that wears me down, added to the yearly reminder that I am getting older. With each passing birthday, the age gets scarier, and it feels like time is passing by too quickly, especially as the …
2024 so far…
After living in this country for a year and six months, I feel settled, which almost made me forget what this current life phase is about. It is one I long called ‘my eyes are watching God’. It’s funny that I forgot because I do not waste the opportunity to tell people how suffering huge financial losses led me to …
2023 was a year for Afrobeats. The genre brought more excitement to the music scene and consolidated its worldwide impact, while mainstream acts sort of did their usual stuff. If I were to judge, I’d say 2023 was an average year in music that was carried by strong albums released towards the end of 2022. After outstanding EP releases, Sam …
2023: Year in Review (Gratitude)
For someone who has never fully trusted happiness, always weary that soon enough something will go wrong, it’s amazing just how I freely gave into joy for most parts of 2023. Tagging 2023 my happiest year yet won’t be farfetched. I’ve had good years in the past, but 2023 stands out not because everything worked out (I still haven’t passed my …
After yet another grueling three months, I once again got to shut down my laptop, signaling the end of yet another semester. This semester broke me. Right from resumption there was a disconnect I felt towards my studies (I still can’t place it), unlike the first semester I was wholeheartedly excited about. Something didn’t feel right with some of the …
I think when people say you have to be ready to work hard while living abroad, they are mostly referring to the culture shock that comes with earning per hour in contrast to the fixed monthly pay (sometimes commission based) obtainable in Nigeria. I was giving Musa a rundown of my experience working here compared to Nigeria and we both …
THE PAST THREE MONTHS (Surviving Graduate School)
‘Life is not what I thought it wasTwenty-four hours agoStill I’m singing ‘Spirit,Take me up in arms with You’And I’m not who I thought I wasTwenty-four hours ago’ – Twenty four (Switchfoot) Someone recently asked if I don’t write anymore, and my response was I have been busy writing academic papers for the past three months.It always felt morally wrong …
2023 so far… (Restart)
‘Be careful what you wish for, ’cause you just might get it all, and then some you don’t want’ – Daughtry (Home) At times we get fixated on achieving our goals we forget to consider probable aftermaths they might elucidate. I did not give so much thought to the emotional burden that comes with moving across continents. I knew I had …
2022 was the year of album releases from big names, but as always I’m not one to pander to commercially successful albums. I choose my art based on the connection I have with it. Maybe this is my subtle disclaimer that my Top album list is very personal to me and not based on popular metrics used in rating albums, …