#np: The time of my live – David cook
Last weekend, Saturday precisely after attending Word Unspoken (a gospel rap show sort of) at the Uniben Auditorium I decided to chill at one of the school’s field with my pal – Osamudiamen.
The weather was cool as it rained the previous day and there was light showers earlier that morning. We sat on a hilly part of the field watching some guys play soccer beneath.
Life seemed so perfect, no stress or worries. We talked about nothing serious but still had an enjoyable conversation. Sometimes we’d be quiet, those times when I’d soak in the moment with memories of my days in school rushing back. Boy! I really miss school. School was damn safe. Though back then I thought getting the best grades was the biggest problem in the world. Honestly being out in the world is quite tough; hustling and trying to make something out of life, where one needs to work hard with so much responsibility and social pressure on you to be someone and make cool cash even if you are miserable with your profession or get bored with daily life routine. *sigh
Anyway I really loved the atmosphere, the unforced conversations, the freedom and lack of care for anything. I wished I could pause time, spend eternity in that moment and be happily free, forget about work and shii, just savor nature at its best while doing one of my favorite past times activities – watching people as they walk by.
It was a perfect setting, save for the lack of good music and definitely FOOD!! Well, that would be more of junk food though – say maybe ice cream, sharwama, chicken and chips...scratch that, no chicken. I have been trying this ‘pseudo vegan’ stuff lately (I invented that term). I have gone a week without eating meat and the change has been really impressive. My body feels so much lighter. I read about Beyonce’s 22 day vegan diet so I thought maybe I’ll try something close. At first it was really hard abstaining from meat especially with the way the cafeteria women at my branch brandish the turkey and assorted meat during lunch time. Sometimes I end up eating five pieces of meat!
Anyway, I know I need protein, so I have decided to stick with fish (not really a fan of fish except its barbecue with chips). I told my colleague I was going pseudo vegan, she laughed so hard I felt challenged. First week she won as I ended up eating meat. My love for shaki and liver tho.*sigh. Second week I got it right. Last Sunday I didn’t eat meat! Monday morning I woke up sharp with my body feeling so light…
I feel so cleansed sort of, I’m currently trying to avoid eating late at night, though I can’t resist not eating the kpekere chips I have stuffed my fridge with while watching movies on my laptop at night after work or on Sundays when I read books. I won’t act like I’m going to stay off meat totally, ‘cus the way that turkey was calling me today during lunch…choi! I had to leave the cafeteria quickly before I lost control. Maybe I’d do two weeks in a month without meat then two weeks of meat till I strike a balance or something…
My weight still fluctuates but it’s not so bad anymore or maybe people are used to the new me with the extra weight they no longer draw my attention to the weight gain. Well, the they still say my back is getting bigger *palm in face
See, this life is beautiful for reals. Little things we take for granted are actually what makes life beautiful. Music, good food, quiet company, movies, laughter, great company, books, games or comfortable silences with the ones we love or just chilling on a field enjoying nature in its purest form while listening to good music especially a song like The time of my life by David Cook or a more melancholy song like Innocence by Avril Lavigne.
“I get lost in the beauty of everything I see
The world ain’t half as bad as they paint it to be
If all the sons, all the daughters stopped to take it in
Well hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin
It might start now, yeah
Well, maybe I’m just dreaming out loud
Until then…”
– Come Home by One Republic
Honestly, ambition is a female dog! Ugh! I was watching a movie (Two night stand). There was this scene where the guy ranted about ambition. He totally said all that’s on my mind. Seriously life is so much easier and peaceful without ambition. Here’s what he said –
“Ambition is such bullshit. Seriously, it’s just chasing vapor, like…
Whatever it is that you think that you need, like that job or that gold star, blue ribbon, fancy desk, nice office, like it doesn’t… like once you get that, you’re gonna be confused because you’re not gonna be as happy as you thought you were going to be.
Then you’re going to be sitting there being like, “why aren’t I happy? I have this… I got the desk.“
Because, man, there’s another desk. Like there’s always going to be something more that your ambition is telling you that you need. So it’s the next thing, and then when you get that, then there’s another thing.
It’s an endless cycle. You’re forced into retirement. You’re kicking and screaming. The next thing you know, you’re in a big house, you’ve got four-and-a-half bathrooms, you don’t even have a ping-pong table and you’re dead.”
— Alec (Two Night Stand, 2014)
Anyway, easy for me to agree ba? I can read your mind. I see you sneering saying I should wait till I am married and I have school fees to pay and Christmas clothes to buy for four kids….heheehe
Well, what do I know? …I am but just a kid